08 April 2010

A blocked writter

First moment of dawn the cloak of business covers
Already its warmth over takes and consume signs of restfulness

I cannot continue I am stuck in a moment of blockness and am awaiting for a burst of inspiration and motivation and subjects that touch the matters of my heart. I am crying to write as writing for a very long time has been the breath in my life. There have been times where I have walked on dry desserts sands with no water just surviving as best as I can. I know it is a season and that once through it an extra layer of depth will be added to the writer part of me. I suppose I should feel excited, I am not as I am unsure how long this season will last and I can only rely on hopeful expectations that may or may not happen. I thought that starting a blog would motivate and renew me, yet again I unsure if that is the case. I do feel a pull to keep updating and write into am empty space. And I am quite surprise that I find myself stuck and unable to write. It can be argued I am writing and this post proves it. But it only points to the fact that I have the ability to write my thoughts which does not, I feel, explore my creativity that can be portrayed, I feel, through my poetry. And I still feel stuck. Until next time.

04 April 2010


Me is a person resting in a bed of rhythmical flowery and dreaming dreams of entering a new chapter in life. Me is a female with ideas consuming a mind that's always reflecting and right now is moving towards destiny untold yet unknown. Me is a wife floating in love wearing a band with pride and forever linked to a soul mate who embraces and accepts and loves the other half of me. I thank God for him. Me is a mothering who understands what it means to give birth and re-changing goals to give my best to little people. This is me.